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Advanced ICS for Command and General Staff, ICS-400 Instructor Guide
Advanced ICS for Command and General Staff, ICS-400 Instructor Guide
This course provides training for personnel who require advanced application of the Incident Command System (ICS). This course expands upon information covered in ICS 100 through ICS 300 courses, which are prerequisites for the ICS 400 course.
Course Objectives
Explain how major incidents engender special management challenges. Describe the circumstances in which an Area Command is established. Describe the circumstances in which Multi-Agency Coordination Systems are established.
Primary Audience
The target audience for this course is senior personnel who are expected to perform in a management capacity in an Area Command or Multi-Agency Coordination Entity.
IS-100,200,700,800 and EO300
Recommended Prerequisites
G0300, ICS 300: Intermediate Incident Command System for Expanding Incidents can be substituted for E0300.

Price includes Instructor Guide, Exam Answer Key and Instructor Notes.
Our Price: $74.55

Availability:: Usually Ships in 1 to 2 Business Days
Product Code: FEMA-400-IG

Color Print
354 pages

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