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Beyond Initial Response Textbook (BIR) 2nd Edition
Beyond Initial Response Textbook (BIR) 2nd Edition
Beyond Initial Response (BIR) - Second Edition builds upon the original version that was put through its paces by the greatest critics - first responders and students of emergency management. In the second edition you will find three new chapters: The Area Command chapter, written from the perspective of an Area Commander, a chapter on multi-agency coordination that provides an overview of how multi-agency coordination works from various viewpoints, and the third new chapter titled Emerging Communications, which introduces the topic of New Media and its potential challenges and benefits to incident management teams. Beyond Initial Response - should be within arm's length whether you are training for or deploying to an emergency response.
Our Price: $45.00

Quantity in Stock:10

Product Code: RB-BIR-2ND


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